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Applications for the winter semester 2024/2025
Information on the required documents can be found under: “Information on application documents”
Applications for the following dormitories can be submitted until January 21st:
- Collegium Marianum (CM)
- Fürstin-von-Gallitzin-Heim (FvG)
- Liebfrauenstift (LS)
- Tita-Cory-Campus (TCC)
- Überwasserhof (ÜWH)
Please note the following information:
When applying for the CM, FvG, LS and TCC halls of residence, you can specify up to two halls of residence (1st preference and 2nd preference). Further incoming applications cannot be considered. It is also possible to apply for our “Überwasserhof” residential project with predominantly 1-room apartments for students. You have the option of applying exclusively for the Überwasserhof or of submitting one application for the Überwasserhof and another application for the CM, FvG, LS or TCC, specifying a maximum of 2 wishes. When applying for the Überwasserhof, please be sure to indicate which of the different room and price categories are suitable for you.
Online applications are made directly via the BSW dormitory administration.
If you have technical problems with the application platform, please contact us.
When applying, please ensure that the information and documents you provide are complete and meaningful.
Your “cover letter to the house community” (letter of motivation) is of great importance. We ask you to address the following key questions in your letter of motivation:
- At BSW we want to promote diversity in our student halls of residence. We would like to get to know you. What would you like to tell us about yourself? What sets you apart? What could we look forward to if you lived in one of our student halls of residence?
- Our student halls of residence are characterized by christian values and a focus on community. How do you imagine life in community? What is important to you for living together?
- Our dormitory structures are characterized by voluntary commitment. Everyone can contribute their own ideas, take on positions and help shape events. How committed can you be to the community (talents, experiences, volunteer work…)?
The application process for the summer semester 2025 is expected to begin on January 1st, 2025.