BSW Münster BSW Münster
BSW Münster
BSW Münster BSW Münster BSW Münster

Liebfrauenstift (LS)

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  • After renovation and conversion work, the Liebfrauenstift is open again for the 2024/2025 winter semester

The “Liebfrauenstift” was founded in 1893 by the Sisters of Notre Dame, initially as a “Mägdehaus”. In 1943 the building was almost completely destroyed in a bombing raid during World War II and was reopened in 1949 after the active efforts of the sisters and many helping hands. In the post-war years, the “Liebfrauenstift” developed into an important institution in the Catholic social movement. Sisters, trainees and older people lived, learned and worked together under one roof.
In 2011, the Order of Sisters of Our Lady handed over the Liebfrauenstift, which is rich in tradition and memories, to the management of the diocese of Münster. The house continued to operate as a student residence until 2023. After a renovation and conversion phase in winter semester 2023/24 and summer semester 2024, from the winter semester 2024/25 onwards, the house will be occupied on floors by women and men who together form a house community.

Living together on the basis of basic Christian values ​​is very important to the 50 residents (25 men and 24 women) and the provider. This becomes clear in everyday life together, for example in cooking together in the large communal kitchens on the two floors/corridors or in the residents’ shared leisure activities. A special feature of the Liebfrauenstift is the spacious gardens (former sisters’ garden). Here residents can relax or pursue activities together.

“Restart” for winter semester 2024/25 – central location, large garden and from now on for men and women

The house community is also expressed by the fact that the residents want to take on certain tasks (house speaker, hall speaker, kitchen service, tutorial for the student leisure program, etc.). In order to further develop the house community, we are always looking for new creative and committed minds!

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