Contractual options for residents
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Lease Agreement – What information is included in my lease agreement?
The rental agreement contains all information about the rented room and how to use the rented property. There you will also find information on the contract period and the conditions of termination. If you would like to extend your contract, you can apply for an extension in the dormitory administration as part of our extension process.
Lease Agreement – Are there other rules I have to follow?
In addition to the rental agreement, there are general house rules and additional internal agreements. You can find these on our homepage under the heading Downloads „For Residents“.
Termination – What do I have to do if I want to terminate my contract?
Terminations are necessary if residents want to terminate their existing contract. The general notice periods apply, see rental agreement under §2. Cancellations are only to be submitted via the dormitory administration (BSW Wohnheimverwaltung ( (red button “Cancellation” under the heading “My Account”). In the cancellation process, a desired move-out date can be specified. After the cancellation, the administration sends out a corresponding confirmation of termination as well as the moving-out documents. Contracts can only be terminated at the end of the respective month, i.e. there are no termination dates for the middle or other times of the respective month. Keys are handed over and room inspections are carried out by the building services and are only possible by making an appointment on working days and in the regular working hours possible.
Extension – Can I extend my rental agreement?
Residents have the opportunity to apply for an extension of their expiring rental contract as part of the extension process. To do this, you can digitally apply for an extension in the dormitory administration under the heading „My account“. This application is first read by the pedagogical study support and then by the committee and discussed together. The recommendation made there to accept or reject the application is forwarded to the management. This formally decides on the acceptance or rejection of the application and, if necessary, justifies any deviating decisions compared to the pedagogical study support. Residents are not entitled to an extension as part of the extension process and should therefore explain in their application why an extension should be granted.
Extensions of one year (two semesters) can be granted up to a rental or residential period of 10 semesters in total – for periods of residence longer than this, an extension of one semester is generally only granted.
Moving Back – What are my options if I want to study abroad?
Residents who are planning a semester abroad or a longer period of absence (max. one semester) and then want to move back in can submit a so-called application for moving back in. The form can be found at under the heading “Downloads for Residents” and should be emailed to the relevant pedagogical study support. When applying for moving back in, it is stated during which period the resident will not be living in the dormitory. It is advisable to discuss the application with the BSW as early as possible before the start of the period of absence.
A separate termination via the dormitory administration is only required in the event of deviations in the move-out dates specified on the application to move in again (example: the application states 30.09.XX as the move-out date, but the resident would like to move out by 31.08.XX after all). In this case, the regular notice periods apply, see rental agreement.
The pedagogical study support examines the application for re-entry and discusses it with the committee. The recommendation discussed there to accept or reject the application is forwarded to the management. This formally decides on the acceptance or rejection and, if necessary, justifies deviating decisions compared to the pedagogical study support.
The administration informs the applicant about the decision of the application and sends the excerpt documents. This is followed by a regular move out with official room inspection and key handover. Rooms are allocated after the stay abroad subject to the condition that a suitable room is available at the time you wish to move back in. There is no guarantee that the original room can be occupied again. The wishes of the applicants will be taken into account as far as possible. The administration will contact the applicant by e-mail before moving in again and submit the new contract offer.
During the contract period, the living time is added up (example: 4 semesters of living before moving back in, then the 5th semester in the dormitory follows directly after moving back in). The period of residence is relevant in the context of the extension procedure (for more information see extension procedure).
The BSW grants a maximum of 5 applications for re-entry per dormitory per semester (date of receipt is taken into account).
Residents who want to leave the dormitory for more than one semester cannot apply to move back in. In this case, the residents must reapply within the official deadlines. Independent subletting is not permitted and will lead to termination without notice.
Internal moves – Am I allowed to move internally in the dormitory?
Internal moves are exceptional cases in the BSW, where individual residents can move within the dormitory. To do this, an application for an internal move must be completed, which explains why an internal move should take place. The form can be found on our homepage under the heading „Downloads for Residents“ and must be emailed to the respective pedagogical study support. In a conversation with the pedagogical study support, the justification for the application and the possible feasibility of the move will be discussed with the resident. After the interview, the application is forwarded to the committee and a recommendation is requested. The management formally decides on the acceptance or rejection of the application and, if necessary, justifies any deviating decisions compared to the pedagogical study support. As a rule, an administration fee of €150 is charged for an internal move, which is to be paid by the resident.
In some halls of residence there are so-called special rooms that can be exchanged free of charge due to their size or location. The respective residents will be informed of this.
The administration informs the residents about the decision to move internally and explains the next steps.
Cross-house moves are generally not allowed.
Independent subletting (Überwasserhof and Jüdefelderstraße) – Can I sublet my room?
It is not possible to independently sublet a room in our student halls of residence. An exception to this rule applies in the Überwasserhof and possibly in other additional housing projects where there are no shared kitchens and common rooms in the corridors. A “sublease agreement” must be completed for the sublease. The residents take care of finding a subtenant independently and remain the main tenants of the BSW room. You are still bound by the contractual regulations and are liable in the event of damage.